Friday 25 March 2011

BC blogger takes on Ontario = ON loses

Guest Blog today from my son Ellis Worthington!  Thanks for reminding us how much it sucks to live in the snow belt!

London just got several inches of snow despite the fact spring officially starts on March 21st in Canada. The calendar is just a piece of paper full of meaningless numbers because it's nice in Vancouver but snowy in Southern Ontario

According to, Vancouver's high temp today is 11 degrees Celsius now, sunny and partly cloudy with no wind chill. Today, London's high temperature was -2 with a windchill of -11 with a snowfall warning for London and the surrounding area. Vancouver's last snowfall this year was February 27th. This was unusual because it usually doesn't snow that late in February. My friend who has lived in Vancouver for 15 years has never seen a snowfall that late in winter. There was a couple inches of snow and it almost shut down the city for a day. At least Vancouver didn't call in the army to shovel snow, like those Torontonians have been known to. Vancouver's snow usually melts in a couple hours or a day. We get about 10 snow days a year, if that. 

Here's some pictures for a side by side comparison. They were taken on the same day, at roughly the same time. 

My mom's backyard in London:

Vancouver is warm and sunny. Ontario is cold and snowed under. Where would you rather live? 


  1. Okay,I'll agree that snow this late in the seasno sucks. Your Mom's backyard looks quite pretty, but I'll take a bit of snow (I'm originally from the Sault Ste Marie area, so that storm was a joke by our standards...) over an earthquake any day. Every time I've been in BC for longer that 3 days there has been a minor quake. Just my luck! Bella

  2. Thanks for being my first guest blogger Ellis! Vancouver looks beautiful and I envy you your temperate weather; no wonder you love it out there.
