Thursday 31 March 2011

It's official - winter has lasted tooooo long!

How do we know this - because the city of London is delaying opening its golf courses for at least a week.  At least one of them is usually open by yesterday and people can start playing on around April 1.

We'll golfers - even those who are secret snow bunnies - are bitching like there's no tomorrow because they'll lose their balls in all that white stuff still laying around on the ground.

Or maybe it's just that they'll freeze their balls completely off - in the case of men - or freeze off other body parts in the case of women. Though, I kind of doubt too many women, even dedicated golf fems, are going to slog around the course when the mercury is still to stiff to get above the freezing mark.

So, that's it - the proof - it's time for winter to go so golfers can get back on the course and out of the office and leave the rest of us to enjoy our afternoon naps!

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Frost on the Easter Egg??

When there's a hard frost in the Autumn, we refer to this as  'frost on the pumpkin'.

When it happens in the spring, after the equinox, is there 'frost on the Easter egg?'

Your thoughts?

Sunday 27 March 2011

WAY tooooo cold!

For the end of March, it is just tooooo freekin' cold out there.  North wind cut through me today as we tried to enjoy a little of the sunshine today!

What's it like in your corner of Canada?

Warm and balmy, as guest blogger Ellis Worthington commented last week - or really nasty?

One thing's for sure, I've come to feel rather passionate about my electric bed warmer! 

Toasty is good!

Friday 25 March 2011

BC blogger takes on Ontario = ON loses

Guest Blog today from my son Ellis Worthington!  Thanks for reminding us how much it sucks to live in the snow belt!

London just got several inches of snow despite the fact spring officially starts on March 21st in Canada. The calendar is just a piece of paper full of meaningless numbers because it's nice in Vancouver but snowy in Southern Ontario

According to, Vancouver's high temp today is 11 degrees Celsius now, sunny and partly cloudy with no wind chill. Today, London's high temperature was -2 with a windchill of -11 with a snowfall warning for London and the surrounding area. Vancouver's last snowfall this year was February 27th. This was unusual because it usually doesn't snow that late in February. My friend who has lived in Vancouver for 15 years has never seen a snowfall that late in winter. There was a couple inches of snow and it almost shut down the city for a day. At least Vancouver didn't call in the army to shovel snow, like those Torontonians have been known to. Vancouver's snow usually melts in a couple hours or a day. We get about 10 snow days a year, if that. 

Here's some pictures for a side by side comparison. They were taken on the same day, at roughly the same time. 

My mom's backyard in London:

Vancouver is warm and sunny. Ontario is cold and snowed under. Where would you rather live? 

Thursday 24 March 2011

Winter must go - let's start a petition.

Holy  . . . it's cold outside!

Well snow was yesterday's crap-orama and today it's colder than a rubber boot filled with jello! 

Here in good old London, ON, it's -9 Celsius (15 Fahrenheit) - THAT'S BLOODY COLD! 

The wise weatherman says that will continue to be 'unseasonably' cold.  It's March 24 for golly sake, that's unseasonably cold for December!

Have you stuck your tongue to a flagpole, frozen your hand to the car door handle, felt the numb in your ears and nose today? 

I'm sitting in my office, with frozen fingers and I can't feel my toes - time for another coffee and an extra pair of socks. 

Let's start a petition - winter must go NOW.  It's just time, that's it - it's over and we want out!

Who's with me?

Wednesday 23 March 2011


I must have cleared six inches of white crap off my car this morning!  Well, ok, my kid cleared it off but I watched . . . . in outrage for his exertion.

It's March 23 and we got six inches!  Not the one to two inches predicted by the eejits (that's outraged speak for idiots BTW) at Enviro Can.  Wet, heavy crap that now threatens to brown out the electricity and shut down my computer! 

Snow is trying to have its revenge on my bitching about it!  Yikes, I feel stalked!!

What's up with you?  Will you carry on bravely or whine until the plows come and plow you in and you really have something to cry about?  I'm for number two (which is what snow really is)!

Come on - let off some steam and let us hear about your tales of snowed-in woe!

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Grey and crappy

That's what's wrong with this time of the year - we want it to be beautiful and sunshiney but it's grey and crappy!  The sky, our skin  . . . especially all that left over snow!

Piled it hunks along side streets, in back yards, lying in the garden covering up little sprouts that want to come up.

The crust along the roadways is especially disgusting.  Trash, salt, dirt, unmentionable items (I saw a pair of underwear - men's I think - driving along a major thoroughfare on the weekend.) all piled along a damn of frozen grey crust - yuck!

Spring snow sucks!

Friday 11 March 2011

So much for spring melt!

It's the middle of March and here in London, Ontario it's snowing.  We got six inches between last night and today!  Yipes!!  I left sunny and 70s Houston yesterday for this crap!

So welcome to the blog - and here all I'm doing is griping and not giving you a warm ROCASS welcome!

This is your venue to bitch and moan at will  . . . or conversely if you're a snow angel then you can wax poetic about the wonders of the white stuff.

Weigh-in now!