Monday 7 January 2013

A new year of abundance (and bitching)

Well, it's the first working day of 2013 and I've named this as the year of abundance for me and my business! 

So, let's start on a positive note: A prosperous and abundance year to you from all of us at Write.On Communctation Services International.

Abundance calls for a positve outlook and I am usually positive but this is my forum to bitch, whine, moan and generally let off steam about - what else - the weather.  We can't do anything about it so it's fair game for bitching, moaning, etc.  If you can do something about a problem, well   . . . you should do it! 

That's not the case for weather.

So on this the first work day of a lovely, bright and shiny new year, it occurs to me that I HATE, loath and despise being cold!  This thought occured to me when I was downloading pics from our recent sojourn to Florida, where - I belatedly realized - I was never, ever cold.  Oh yes, there were a couple of chilly days but I was never bone rattlingly, feet freezingly, hand shakingly cold.

I could get up to answer nature's call at night and not be cold upon exiting the covers.  I could go from hot tun to pool or vice versa without freezing my tocus off.

I could walk out on the balcony to enjoy a breath of night air and not freeze by bajeebas off.

My hands were never numb and my feel never felt like I was walking on an icy pond.

Being constantly - or as constantly as the age-induced personal tropical heat waves allow - cold isn't fun.  What is your pet peeve about winter?  Is it the cold, snow, lack of snow or other?

May you and your family and business experience a truly abundant new year!

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