Sunday 25 November 2012

. . . . and so it begins

It's November 25 and a blanket of snow covers London, Ontario.  Not this one, mind you; this picture was taken last year at the beginning of December.

Why post an old pic?  Because it's pretty and that's really the only reason for snow - isn't it?

Oh yeah, there's all that environmental stuff.  As a boater, I want a LOT of snow to fall  . . . just not here.  From my understanding, to fill up Lake Huron, a ton (and I do mean a ton) needs to fall in the far north - by Lake Superior - to run down through the system and refill the depleted lower lakes.

Today's dusting doesn't qualify as pretty, yet.

At this time of year and in this part of Ontario, snow serves to give us a clean slate to cover up that ugly late November mud and dead-leaf crust we have on the ground.

It also gets us in the Yule spirit, so we can go out and shop at local retailers, which is actually mood + safety.  Who wants to venture out on the highway to go to big box stores or across the border when it's snowing out.

Snow at this time of year is the holiday season's wolf whistle saying, "Hey, look at me!"

I'd never be a proponent of greedy commercialism, etc. but everyone has someone who would love a special treat from one of our hard-working local artists, retailers or other small business person.

So delight in the snow  . . . and go  . . . shopping (or to grandmother's house because she could use a visit from you too - or dental work if she has wolf's teeth)!

This is the one and only time you will hear about enjoying snow on this blog - the end!

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