Wednesday 23 January 2013

Make like a dog

Ok, that it's cold out today - at - 18C - is no shocker and if anyone has the temerity to say 'Cold enough for ya' I'll probably apply my hand upside his/her head (to see if the brain is frozen).  But, only in my mind of course - otherwise it's assault with a pissed-off weapon.  However, the real trick to enduring this kind of climatic punishment is dressing for success.
My polar parka ready for exterior protection duties

In this case, dressing for success means making like a dog and putting on extra 'fur'.  Here's my answer to extra fur - my 'Nanook of the North' primal parka.  It's good to around -50F and I'm warm from my neck to my knees. 

Not real fur of course – that’s cruel, especially for Barenaked Ladies (in these temps).

But, oh my gosh, does the face get cold when that bitter wind has the gall to blow right up my nose. 

Not sure if I'm ready to step over the fashion fault line and get a balaclava (robber ski mask type hat) but it is tempting.

Do you think donning one of those would smear my makeup or look at all unprofessional?

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