Thursday 2 February 2012

Rodent rage

Well it's three to two - seems Old Man Winter is here to stay for a while longer in Canada or at least your friendly (or not-so-much) neighborhood Groundhog says so.

Here in central Ontario, Wiarton Willie failed to visualize his shadow, as did Nova Scotia’s Shubenacadie Sam.

But three others - Alberta’s Balzac Billy, Quebec’s Fred la Marmotte and the lone submission from the other side of the border Punxsutawney Phil - all saw their shadows and ran back inside away from the cold that encompasses us.

Yes, it's been a bit warmer this year than last.  But I don't attribute that to global warming, rather than Mother Nature's admission that we've had several really sucking winters in a row and we deserved a bit of a break this year.

Too bad those damn rodents disagreed.  Here, kitty kitty  . . .


  1. I had a dear, wise old friend who clearly stated that winter would end in about six weeks or mid march...i forget which one she attributed to shadow or no shadow..but she was always right!

  2. Your friend is wise, Donna and it's good to remember when we get caught up in the worship of ground-dwellers as meterologists

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :-)
