Wednesday 29 February 2012

How to celebrate Leap Day

Leap Day!  Should be truly special as it only happens once every four years, but today's sad, spoggy weather doesn't portend well for this being a rippin' fun, leap into life - jump into spring kind of day.

How should we celebrate Leap Day?  Each holiday has its designated decorations, foods and festivities. 

Christmas - turkey and gifts, carols and candles
Valentines Day - flowers, candy, jewelry and hearts
St. Paddy's - green beer and corned beef
Easter - eggs, chocolates and hats

Even the more minor holidays have special ways of celebrating: Robbie Burns Day requires scotch and hagus.

So Leap Day really deserves its own set of celebratory parameters.  Should we be literal and actually have a designated time that everyone leaps?  Perhaps a gathering of observation in Victoria Park - or a central location in your city or town - to have a group leap.

Or should we be more symbolic and everyone think about how he or she will 'leap' into new endeavors and 'leap' out of bad habits or negative relationships.

What kinds of foods symbolize Leap Day?  Frogs legs?  Wiggly, jiggly jello - any kind of kenetic foodstuff would do, I suppose.  Your thoughts?

What are your ideas about observing Leap Day?  I'd love to hear some creative feedback.

I'm ready to leap into spring that's for sure.  This ROCASS has had enough winter!

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