Thursday 21 April 2011

Frozen bunny ears and death to the Ground Hog!

Well folks, it's nearly Easter weekend and even though 'spring' is officially supposed to start with the Vernal Equinox - this year it was on March 20 - the 'spiritual' start to spring is often around Easter.  I don't mean spiritual in a religious way, but rather as a 'we're all caught up in the spirit' kind of way.

This year, however, the Easter bunny - that arbiter of warm weather that makes us frisky and spreads eggs (a fertility symbol) around - has moved in with his/her rodent buddy the two-faced ground hog.

That punctilious pundit of meterological predictions got it REALLY wrong this year.  He foretold of six more weeks of winter the day named for him at the beginning of February and here it is nearly 12 weeks later and it's SNOWING in London, Ontario.

So that's it - spring has officially been cancelled! 

Is there any hope for summer?

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